
Careers and employability learning: Pedagogical principles for higher education

Increasingly, universities prioritise employability as a primary purpose of personal and public investment into higher education and …

LinkedIn as a pedagogical tool for careers and employability learning: a scoping review of the literature.

Purpose – Professional networks are conduits for career insight, vehicles for career exploration and incubators of professional …

Graduate employability as a professional proto-jurisdiction in higher education.

Much research into how universities seek to support their students’ graduate employability has focused on academic strategies such as …

Microcredential learners need quality careers and employability support

Providers, industry, and governments have embraced microcredentialing as a solution to the volatility and velocity of changes in labour …

Career Assessment

Career assessment is inherent in the professional practices of career development. Career assessment has its scientific, technical, and …

Mapping graduate employability and career development in higher education research: A citation network analysis.

Greater attention than ever is being placed on how universities enable their graduates to achieve their career goals as a key return on …

Connectedness learning in the life sciences: LinkedIn as an assessment task for employability and career exploration

You’ve been doing employability the wrong way would be the click-bait headline if this chapter were to be published in an online …

Career services in Australian higher education: Aligning the training of practitioners to contemporary practice

As university graduates face increasingly changing and challenging labour markets and work environments, universities are prioritising …

My career chapter: The dialogical self as author and editor of a career autobiography

My Career Chapter: a Dialogical Autobiography (MCC; McIlveen; 2015) is a qualitative career assessment and counselling tool based on …

Use of my career chapter to engage students in reflexive dialogue

Higher education students provide many reasons for their taking a particular degree. These typically relate to their current vocational …