Career writing


Writing is a central process in the formation and expression of career stories and identities. Typically, this takes the form of functional career writing such as resumes, cover letters, and personal statements. But the value of writing to career development goes well beyond the writing that is needed for a job application. Writing is recognised as a fundamental process of learning and identity formation and has been used in counselling to promote healing. Building on this use of writing as a formative process, and drawing on constructivist theories of career development, psychology and learning, particularly career learning theory and dialogical self theory, several researchers have explored career writing — which includes creative, expressive, and reflective genres — as a vehicle for the process of career identity formation. Career writing has been proven to increase students’ luck readiness and to improve the depth and quality of their reflective writing. In this workshop, participants will explore the practical application of career writing by completing several writing activities designed to help clients reflect on their career identity, decisions, professional development, and challenges. After a brief introduction to the theories that inform career writing, participants will be guided through four discrete writing tasks and a peer feedback process. They will be invited to reflect on how these activites may be adapted and applied in their own practice and encouraged to share their experience and ideas for further activities and approaches.

May 2, 2018 12:00 AM — Feb 16, 2020 8:20 PM
Hobart, TAS
Michael Healy
Careers and employability learning expert

I am the National Manager, Career Education for I hold a PhD in careers and employability learning, with several publications to my name. I am passionate about promoting the value and impact of quality careers and employability learning.
